Integrating Community of Inquiry Framework Principles With Flipped Classroom Pedagogy to Enhance Students’ Perceived Presence Sense, Self-Regulated Learning, and Learning Performance in Preservice Teacher Education
online education, flipped classroom, community of inquiry, self-regulated learning, teacher educationAbstract
The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of integrating community of inquiry (COI) framework principles with flipped classroom pedagogy to enhance students’ perceived presence sense, self-regulated learning, and learning performance. A quasi-experimental study was conducted to examine whether integrating COI framework principles with flipped classrooms could enhance college students’ perceived presence sense, self-regulated learning, and learning performance. The participants were 64 third-year male college students in an online course at a teacher education university in Iran in 2021. The study employed the COI Survey, the online self-regulated learning questionnaire (OLSQ), and a teacher-made test to measure learning performance. The results indicated significant between-group differences in perceived presence sense, self-regulated learning, and learning performance (p < 0.001). Integrating COI framework principles with flipped classroom pedagogy was an effective approach to enhancing perceived presence sense, self-regulated learning, and learning performance among teacher education students.
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- Athabasca University Press
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