Exploring students’ intention to use LINE for academic purposes based on technology acceptance model


  • Willard Van De Bogart Bangkok University
  • Saovapa Wichadee Bangkok University




online learning, higher education


The LINE application is often conceived as purely social space; however, the authors of this paper wanted to determine if it could be used for academic purposes. In this study, we examined how undergraduate students accepted LINE in terms of using it for classroom-related activities (e.g., submit homework, follow up course information queries, download materials) and explored the factors that might affect their intention to use it. Data were collected from 144 undergraduate students enrolled in an English course that utilized some activities based on LINE app using a questionnaire developed from TAM. Data were analyzed to see if relationships existed among factors when LINE was used to organize classroom experiences. The findings revealed that perceived usefulness and attitude toward usage had positive relationships with intention to use while perceived ease of use was positively related to perceived usefulness. In contrast with TAM assertions, this study did not find any relationship between perceived ease of use and attitude toward usage. Also, the number of social networking sites that students are using had no relationship with intention to use. The study also suggested some kinds of LINE-based learning activities preferred by students, which would be proposed for future courses. This study revealed several useful implications that TAM can be employed as a useful theoretical framework to predict and understand users’ intention to use new technologies in education.

Author Biographies

Willard Van De Bogart, Bangkok University

Willard Van De Bogart is currently a full-time lecturer teaching English at the Language Institute, Bangkok University, Thailand. His research interests lie in the use of social networks, m-learning, and computer-meditated language learning.


Saovapa Wichadee, Bangkok University

Saovapa Wichadee is currently an Associate Professor at the Language Institute, Bangkok University, Thailand. Her research interests include teaching methodology in EFL, learners’ characteristics, and teacher self-development. Her latest scholarly work focuses on the use of social networks in language teaching. She is a member of the editorial board of The Journal of Asia TEFL (Korea) and a reviewer of the International Review of Education (IRE), one of the UNESCO journals of education.



How to Cite

Van De Bogart, W., & Wichadee, S. (2015). Exploring students’ intention to use LINE for academic purposes based on technology acceptance model. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 16(3). https://doi.org/10.19173/irrodl.v16i3.1894



Research Articles