AI-Supported Online Language Learning: Learners’ Self-Esteem, Cognitive-Emotion Regulation, Academic Enjoyment, and Language Success


  • Ting Xiao Department of Genetic Engineering, Faculty of Biology-Oriented Science and Technology, KINDAI University, Wakayama, Japan & Graduate School of Bioscience Major in Bioscience, Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology, Shiga, Japan
  • Sisi Yi Yangzhou Technician College, Yangzhou, China
  • Shamim Akhter Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Malaysia



self-esteem, cognitive-emotion regulation, academic enjoyment, language success, AI-supported online language learning


The consideration of students’ emotional and psychological health is crucial to facilitate effective teaching and grading practices. This study set out to shed light on the interplay between self-esteem (S-E), cognitive-emotion regulation (CER), academic enjoyment (AE), and language success (LS) in artificial intelligence (AI)-supported online language learning. To this end, the foreign language learning self-esteem scale, the Cognitive Emotion Control Questionnaire, the foreign language enjoyment scale, and a researcher-made test were distributed to 389 English as a foreign language learners in China. Screening the data with confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling, the effects of S-E, CER, AE, and LS were identified and quantified. These results highlighted the important function that online courses assisted by AI perform in enhancing students’ CER and AE. This implied that students who have cultivated a robust sense of self-efficacy are adept at effectively regulating their cognitive and affective processes in AI-supported language learning. Possible improvements in language education are discussed, as are the study’s broader implications.


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How to Cite

Xiao, T., Yi, S., & Akhter, S. (2024). AI-Supported Online Language Learning: Learners’ Self-Esteem, Cognitive-Emotion Regulation, Academic Enjoyment, and Language Success. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 25(3), 77–96.