Navigating the Learning Landscape: Social Cognition and Task-Technology Fit as Predictors for MOOCs Continuance Intention by Sales Professionals




self-directed learning, MOOC, sales professional, social cognition theory, self-development, social recognition, task-technology fit, continued intentions


Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have gained popularity among sales professionals who use them for self-directed learning and upskilling. However, research related to their intentions to continue learning is scarce. Drawing from the social cognition theory, this research aimed to address this gap by investigating the role of task-technology fit, self-development, and social recognition in sales professionals’ continued use of MOOCs. The study hinged on empirical research and used a survey to collect data from 366 sales professionals. The results suggest that task-technology fit, self-development, and social recognition play a significant role in sales professionals’ continued use of MOOCs. The study has practical implications for organizations promoting employee learning and development. The findings provide valuable information for MOOC designers and providers to develop more effective courses that meet the needs of sales professionals.


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How to Cite

Kamble, A., Upadhyay, N., & Abhang, N. (2024). Navigating the Learning Landscape: Social Cognition and Task-Technology Fit as Predictors for MOOCs Continuance Intention by Sales Professionals. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 25(1), 24–44.



Research Articles