Online Course Design

A Review of the Canvas Course Evaluation Checklist


  • Sally J. Baldwin Boise State University
  • Yu-Hui Ching Boise State University



Canvas, course design, distance education, evaluation instruments, online education, quality, quality matters


The evaluation of online courses is an important step in providing quality online courses. There are a variety of national and statewide evaluation tools used to help guide instructors and course designers of online courses (e.g., Quality Matters, OSCQR). This paper discusses a newly released course evaluation instrument from Canvas, the second largest learning management system (LMS) used by higher education institutions in the United States. The characteristics and unique features of the Canvas Course Evaluation Checklist (CCEC) are discussed. The CCEC is also compared to established national and statewide evaluation instruments. This review is helpful for those interested in online course design and developments in the field of online education.

Author Biographies

Sally J. Baldwin, Boise State University

Sally Baldwin, Ed.D. teaches graduate level courses in instructional design and freelances as an instructional designer. Her research interests include online course quality, online course design, and course evaluation instruments.

Yu-Hui Ching, Boise State University

Yu-Hui Ching, Ph.D. is an associate professor of educational technology at Boise State University, and teaches graduate level online courses on instructional design, online teaching for adult learners, and design-based research. Her research interests include online teaching and learning, computer-supported collaborative learning, and STEM education.




How to Cite

Baldwin, S. J., & Ching, Y.-H. (2019). Online Course Design: A Review of the Canvas Course Evaluation Checklist. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 20(3).



Notes From the Field